Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wilf and the peach.

The question over what colour to paint the shutters in the rickety old farmhouse has still not been resolved. After months of discussion we'd finally ordered and paid for a tasteful olive green (as in the bottom photo) but on yesterday mornings walk 'the font' decided it looked too military. An 'ok' colour in the summer but likely to be a tad sombre in the winter. A quick call back to the UK manufacturer and we were able to stop the shipment. A tester pack of eight small cans of various colours is on its way instead.

The old farmer owns a number of houses in the village. One of them, next door to the newsagent, must be at least six hundred years old. It sports a marvellous medieval 'ogee' arch above the street entrance. 'The font' wondered out loud if we should buy it as a holiday rental property. Considering the glacial progress on the rickety old farmhouse this sudden enthusiasm for a property portfolio took me by surprise. One look at the holes in the roof and the gaps where the windows should be told me that we might get it finished by the end of the century. There again with our motley cast of builders, electricians plumbers etc maybe not.

Wilf never ceases to amaze. Last night he sat in the orchard carefully and delicately eating a peach that had fallen from a tree. He picked it up in his teeth, carefully positioned it between his paws, took a bite, chewed the flesh for a while then spat out the skin. The process was repeated until only the stone was left. We wait to see what effect the peach will have on his digestive system.


  1. What is it about Wilf's eyes that mesmerize me so? Do they do the same for you?

  2. Ever see "The Money Pit"?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  3. clever wilf....i once had a dog who spat out the peach and ate the stone.....that was expensive!!....

  4. The Font certainly has good taste. That is a great old building and would make a cool holiday rental. I didn't know Pons liked peaches....

  5. When can we make a reservation to book that marvelous holiday rental? We assume Wilf will be there to greet us with a bottle of champagne and one of Mme Bay's gourmet pizzas!

  6. well considering the crap foods that our insane farm eat, pickles, raw potatoes, lettuce?, etc... they get zero table food so a random laugh for us is to see if they will eat the crazy stuff. :) we are wrong. I would think he should be fine. ...and still as adorable as always! :)

  7. I can just picture you sleeping under drop cloths and tarps as bats fly in and out the windows now! Maybe the heat is getting to 'the font' a bit!

    Maybe Wilf knows something about the health benefits of peaches that you don't! I can imagine him eating his prize with great enjoyment!

  8. Edward and Apple love honeydew melon.

    We used to have a chow chow named Max who was looked after by my father when we traveled. Daddy would leave his office at noontime, and come to our house to have lunch with Max each and every day. He would, everyday, bring Max a tiny hamburger, laying it, whole, in Max's bowl, whereupon Max would devour it all, leaving only a shiny, clean pickle in the bottom of the bowl.

    Have you thought about a soft blue for the shutters? You know, French Blue?

  9. Ah, there you are Angus! I saw you!


  10. I'm glad Wilf stopped at the peach pit. I doubt my dogs would.

  11. You are a smart boy, Wilf! We love peaches but we've never had a whole one all to ourselves - yet!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch
