Out for a long early morning walk with a supercharged Wilf who tore out of the front gate. His first port of call was the flower stall in the village where he greeted the owner with a lusty, head full back 'good morning' bark . Then time for a leisurely sniff of the various potted plants before heading off to the bandstand. The rain over night had thrown off a host of exciting smells and scents so our progress was decidedly leisurely with halts every three feet or so. By the end of our perambulation his muzzle was black from exploring unsavoury nooks and crannies. Once home a quick wash with a flannel and the worst of the mud and detritus came off . From the squeals, yelps and shrieks that accompanied his face wash you would have thought that he was being tortured with electric cattle prods.
This morning a vast flurry of completely unexpected activity around the house. Two huge trucks full to the brim with earth have arrived to fill the subsidence in the garden.Miraculously Yves, Ross his wild haired Irish sidekick, and the morose lad in the blue bib overalls have turned up to finish off the library and complete the decking. After an unproductive stint in the kitchen Wilf is now positioned in the courtyard where he can monitor events as they unfold. He is hoping for illicit Jaffa Cakes from Ross.
Bath time is not a favourite occasion here.
ReplyDeleteSounds like things are starting to move there. Wonder how long the projects will take now that there is action.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
What is it with you humans and this insistence on clean faces??!!
ReplyDeleteWilf, I do hope you remembered to water some of those pretty flowers...
Toodle pip!
That face washing - no dogs here like it either - they would rather wash their beards off in their water bowls and let the sediment go to the bottom - and then the bowl gets washed. Smart little critters!
ReplyDeleteI understand Wilf's position completely. I do hope that Ross come across with those Jaffa Cakes.
ReplyDeletewags, Lola
Glad to see that work is progressing on your projects. I Googled Jaffa cakes and, while they look yummy, I have never seen them here in Oklahoma. If they taste as good as they look, I can understand why Wilf enjoys them so much.
Oh how well we know those "Help, I'm being tortured! Won't someone come to my rescue? Help!!! Anyone?" mournful screams, moans, and whines. They occur several times a week when we use a wide-toothed comb on Just Harry's muzzle, beard, legs, and, oh my doG, his paws. "No, not my paws!!! Don't touch my paws!!!"
ReplyDeleteWhen the torture is over, he does a low crawl to his favorite spot on a mat under the coffee table. Just the sight of the comb being lifted from the bookcase shelf is enough to make him disappear! Fortunately Jakey is a bit more sanguine about our continual efforts to descruff him.
How exciting that the elusive gentlemen have returned for the library and the decking work and that the subsidence in the garden will also soon be a thing of the past.
Patience seems to be the answer.
xxx Joan and the Barkalots
You are so cute, Wilf! Frankly, I don't relish baths either.
ReplyDeleteCat Mandu
*snicker* I recall a dog from my childhood who was cut from the same cloth as Wilf. Washing off his face was considered some sort of ancient dog torture and after the big to do was over, he'd glare at you from the corner for hours!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't sure that trio was coming back! Wow! And so soon after all the village lads drank all that wine from pails! You must have been very surprised.
Okay, I had to do it! I begged my friend who found me pictures of the singer from Iceland. I would pay large sums of money to be sitting in your kitchen for just one day!
Ahh... bathtime. It can be such a melodramatic time, can't it?
It sounds like Ross must be a good lad if gives Wilf Jaffa cakes!
ReplyDeleteMy dog Sophie absolutely loves the water.....any kind, anywhere, and any time! Of course it helpèd that both her parents were `water` dogs.
ReplyDeleteWilf looks wonderful.....back on track ,I see.
We have a couple of Goldens that if they never had another bath, or were toweled off they would be quite happy!! Our Wheaten is included in that--They can be as bad as children, can't they?
ReplyDeleteI hope that Yves, Ross, & and the morose lad had a productive day working at YOUR home!
Oh Wilf, what a character you are! You are doing a great job with keeping Mongoose busy!
ReplyDeleteSending lotsaluv your way.
Wilf - you're so clever!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy you day watching over and waiting for the Jaffa cakes....
We would ALL like some Jaffa cakes please! Thank you very much! :)
ReplyDeleteAll things come to those who wait for jaffa cake!
ReplyDeleteA little cake would certainly help to ward off the water goblins!