Home to discover that ' the font ' has opened a bottle of wine . Solitary drinking on a Sunday afternoon - generally not a good sign . While we've been to watch the rugby , ' the font of all knowledge ' has been to the village council meeting . Surprise, surprise they have unanimously elected a new Secretary . '' It just happened ! " says the new office holder in between gulps of a 2005 Pauillac. '' I tried to say no " . Wilf falls happily asleep to the sound of raucous laughter .
Saw this BBC video about psychic dogs : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16676728
Hmm. Drinking beer with dog in car park, OK. Drink wine at home with just cause, no OK?
ReplyDeleteThis post reminds me of a story a colleague, new from England to the Aberdeen area told me. In the spirit of local integration, he'd attended a meeting of the community council in the village where he'd just bought an old fisherman's cottage (Cruden Bay). Unable to comprehend the local accent and follow the proceedings, he claimed later to be greatly surprised to learn in the minutes they sent round that he'd been elected to the post of treasurer...
Cheers! Gail.
I enjoy reading about life in France Profonde... deepest as you describe it. I read this today - and wondered if you see this in your area....
ReplyDeleteGlad the winger has his priorities right.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Oh, poor Font. She'll no doubt be the best secretary they ever had! Glad to see Wilf still discovering new culinary treats. Nothing like a hot dog with mustard!
ReplyDeleteThanks to 'the Font' I now know what wine goes best with being unanimously volunteered and Wilf has tasted what goes best on top of a hot dog!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day!!
'The Font' has my sympathies! I wonder how one gets fired from such a position...
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing you and Wilf were off eating mustard at the rugby match! Who knows what you could have gotten roped into?!
If just being elected as Secretary causes the "font" to indulge in solitary drinking, how will she cope with the actual Meetings!
ReplyDeleteJo, Stella and Zkhat
I assume "The Font" has a perfect command of the French language in both spoken and written forms. It does seem a bit odd to elect a non-native for such a position. I am sure "The Font" will be great.
That's her "reward" for those advanced French classes. No good deed goes unpunished. I agree, she'll be the best secretaire they've ever had. Will the meetings now be chez vous with a glass of champagne...just one?
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Wilf is smelling the air, those clouds look ominous! Feel bad for 'the font'! Sending her compassion and perhaps another bottle?! :)
ReplyDeleteWilf looks happy and perhaps some mustard could come his way with a little slice of jambon? Keep on going Wilf!
With love from your Canadian pals,
Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker
I like MUSTARD too!
ReplyDeleteI featured your little Wilf on my blog today in New England~ good things must be shared....I am a very big fan of your writing and your wonderful little buddy~ ♥E
ReplyDeleteWhat? No bun? No sauerkraut? :)
ReplyDeleteI have just fallen in love :-)
DeleteLots of luvs FREYA ROSE BLOSSOM X
Interesting video, thanks for sharing! Loved all those dogs.
ReplyDeletemaybe they think she'll bring your delicious champagne to each meeting now.
ReplyDeletethe font can only make things better!
these pictures of the little guy are so good...
like he's sniffing the fresh, rain cooled air.
my heart is full of wilfee.
tammy j
Glad you and Wilf had a fun day. You may need to lay in more wine for the Font.
ReplyDeleteMustard! Wilf is expanding his horizons.
ReplyDeleteThe poor font - I think that I would've been drinking too. Good idea of yours to attend the rugby rather than the meeting!
Better stock up on more wine, the font will need it. ;) Hugs for Wilf.
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Love,
Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max
Commiserations to the font. Guess that disproves the theory that you're most likely to get elected to the grotty job if you fail to show up. But it's more proof you have been adopted into the bosom of the village. Now there's a thought to conjure with.
ReplyDeleteJed & Abby