Two vans, two sets of tyres for him to christen. From Wilfs perspective so far, so good. However, this group of workmen fell far short on the all important ' what treats have you got today? ' question. It took five minutes of focused sniffing but Wilf had soon decided that there were no Jaffa Cakes , sausages or other delicacies to be had from this boiler suited crew.
Clearly disappointed with the quality of the hired help, Wilf sat in the garden with his toy squirrel watching events from a distance. From time to time a squeak would remind us that he was there and in charge. Some of the young workmen offered to play with him but each time they approached Wilf stood up, toy in mouth, head held high and moved cautiously away. In the process he gave them his best Gone with the Wind, Rhett Butler look - " Sir, in the absence of Jaffa Cakes I do not lightly bestow my friendship on strangers " . I didn't have the nerve to tell him that the squirrel clenched between his teeth ruined this stern, formal image. The overall impression was rather more Scarlett than Rhett.
I confess to being almost disappointed. I was looking forward to a cliff hanger - will the wood stove be installed in time for Christmas or not?? But wait, you didn't say that it's all up and running yet. Still scope for drama.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Gail (who was delayed flying back from London to Aberdeen last night because of, you've guessed it, French air traffic controllers).
I love the vision of Wilf trying to look stern with a squeaky squirrel toy in his mouth!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that at least something got underway for you!
ReplyDeleteSo, he turned out not to give a damn after the workmen shorted him on jaffa cakes? I can just picture his indignant little face!
Well, Wilf, you gave it your best shot! It takes a stone heart to turn down a fellow with eyes like yours.
Isn't it good, Norwegian Wood (Lennon/McCartney) Could not help myself..
ReplyDeleteOh, those pictures.
ReplyDeleteI want to scratch that familiar little head so badly!
Hello..we just found your blog. So we thought we would drop in and introduce ourselves!
ReplyDeleteWe look forward to reading your story. Wilf what a handsome chappie you are.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I could just picture Wilf trying to be above it all with that little squeaky in his mouth. Poor guy! If I ever meet him, I promise to bring treats.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind comment you left on my blog.
My mom is just oohing and awwwing over Wilf's pictures today. Maybe next time dey will have some treats for Wilf...let's hope so. :)
ReplyDeleteWoofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Aren't they funny that way. Sam expects attention, but when he doesn't get any he does the same thing - takes a favorite toy and watches from the distance.