'The font' is away in London. This enables Wilf and yours truly to drop any pretence of sophistication and revert to a beer and pretzels life style. Apart from grazing on beer and pretzels (water and Ryvita for Wilf) this involves watching late night rugby from down under on the television and then spending quality time rug surfing along the corridors of the rickety old farmhouse until the small hours. Rug surfing is usually frowned upon, something to do with damaging the rugs and getting overexcited , but hey who'll ever know ? Along with swing biffing, rug surfing is one of Wilfs absolute favourite leisure activities. After a day filled with the serious business of eating, sleeping, guarding, barking at the post lady and squirrel chasing there's nothing he loves more than to let his hair down and engage in an hour of repetitive activity. Hurtle down the corridor at high speed, leap on a rug, and then the adrenalin rush as the rug goes skidding across the tiles.If we're lucky there will be the added excitement of noisily bumping into a piece of furniture in the process. Turn around and repeat the process until exhausted. We partied until well gone midnight at which point one of us let the side down and fell asleep , on his back, in the middle of the floor.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Beer and pretzels.
Got so hot yesterday I suggested to Wilf that he join me in the pool. From the look of horror / disdain on his face I could almost believe he understood me. " Water ? Me ? "
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While the cat's away...... Sounds like great fun.
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Er Angus, sorry to break this to you, but Gail is always telling me that if I write something on my blog then I should assume that absolutely anyone might read it, so I should be careful what I say. I guess that goes for you too, so if you want to keep those rug surfing activities a secret from 'the font'....
ReplyDeleteWell, just a suggestion!
Toodle pip! Bertie.
Wow!! You guys have the "life of Riley". I'm "batching" it too along with the pups for a couple of days. I had the pretzels last night but didn't add the beer - maybe tonight. And the fine art of rug surfing is alive and well at Rocky Creek Farm too. We just shy away from the swing biffing!
ReplyDeletewhen the "fonts" away, the boyz will play! very funny!
While Petey is a good swimmer, he prefers to only venture into the ocean as far as his feet can touch the bottom. He had on his life jacket the other evening as the waves were a bit rough and I carried him out a bit beyond the breakers. Like a little tugboat, he churned over to his floating orange ball to collect it, then hightailed it back to shore. No thanks!
ReplyDeleteWouldn't we all love to see a small video clip of Wilf rug surfing, swing biffing, and fur flying! You're a wonderful wordsmith and right now I have a mental picture of Wilf in action making me smile.
ReplyDeleteYankee Gal
Oh, male bonding is so cute. You two are doing it right, too. Does Wilf let you have your turn at rug surfing? It sounds like fun.
ReplyDeletewags, Lola
Wilf: great sunflower pictures, now I believe you live in France not the southeastern section of the US. Rug surfing, beer chugging, water slurping, swing biffing--all a great way to spend a summer day.
ReplyDeleteWilf--you can always pee in the pool !!!
Nothing wrong with a beer and pretzel life style at all! A little rug surfing never hurts either..your sectret is safe with me Wilf. :)
ReplyDeleteWoofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
You two always seem to be the life of the party when "the font" is away! I can't believe he turned down getting in the pool. Ours avoid anything to do with bathing, but playing in the water is something Bunny really enjoys.
ReplyDeleteA perfect opportunity....when life gives you an opportunity, seize it while you can :)
ReplyDeleteRug surfing sounds like great fun....Wilf is a talented dog!
Edward would not jump in a pool if he was on fire.
ReplyDeleteWhat is swing biffing?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know which one of you ended up sleeping in the middle of the floor!