Blogger works at last .

Yesterdays post has disappeared . With blogger out of action Wilf and yours truly head off early to the supermarket in search of red geraniums . On the village green a swarm of locals are pruning roses, trimming shrubs and sawing off overhanging branches before the judges for ' the most beautiful floral village competition ' arrive . Wilf sits patiently under the table while I go and get a cup of coffee, fresh water for his bowl, and a croissant from the cafe. As I slip him a sliver of croissant he looks up with a smile on his face as if to say " we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give ".
Silly blogger, I was very upset not to see your post today. I feared something terrible had happened... Good to see you are all well :-)
ReplyDeleteI have to tell you with Blogger not working for any of us, I missed reading your post first thing this morning--I didn't know what to do with myself, so I got to work on time! :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a good weekend Angus!
Croissant without coffee? I think Wilf needs to have a talk to you! :)
ReplyDeleteHoping your red geraniums are the finishing touch for the Most Beautiful Floral Village! Bon jour, Vilfee!!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness all is back on track in cyberspace! Lots of worry on this end but relieved when new post appeared. Hope all there are having a great Friday and the village will wow the judges. DBH
ReplyDeleteNo Wilf with my morning coffee!!! Glad you are doing fine - crossaints, geraniums and happy smiles - love from Southern Italy Susanne, Daisy and Foxiie
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting how worried I became about someone who is essentially a complete stranger and their miniature polar bear when your previous post disappeared and a new one didn't come up. Happy to see that all is well!
ReplyDeleteBut did you find the right shade of red......
ReplyDeleteMissed the wisdom of Wilf this morning - how dare cyberspace interfere with my enjoyment. Glad to see he is looking as fetching as ever.
ReplyDeleteHow much do we love that Wilfie? Well, so much that many of us had fear in our hearts this morning when there was no fresh post. Dang blogger! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
ReplyDeleteAdd our voice to the chorus wondering where our Wilf was this morning!
ReplyDeleteThe rickety old farmhouse looks absolutely gorgeous. I'd cast my vote for it!
Fortunately, I could see that other posts had not been updated and that blogger was on strike -- so panic didn't set in -- just frustration that something we all depend on should have the nerve, chutzpah, cojones to let us down.
ReplyDeleteI guess by now you've realized that we all have a serious addiction to your Wilf-gram every morning!
I hope your village wins the award! Are there many competitors?
Hope you got your RED geraniums, can't let the team down.
ReplyDeleteIf we didn't have the 'tidy town' comp here, I doubt if some areas would ever get cleaned up.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Is Wilf's nose the most amazing thing? Just adorable!
ReplyDeleteWhen will the font return? Love to all!
We missed finding our what our Bloggie Doggie in France had been up to yesterday. Wishing you all a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteI didn't lose any posts that I'm aware of but I lost some comments from the blogger outage.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it's back up again, I need my Wilf fix.