Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The old charmer.

Back from two nights of after dinner talks in a hot and humid Moscow. A string of thunderstorms across Ukraine have us strapped into our seats for three hours . Wilf and 'the font ' meet me at the Toulouse airport cafe . ' The font ' is enjoying a healthy fruit smoothie . Wilf is under the table munching on a large gluten free biscuit given to him by an admiring waitress. There can be no doubting that the old charmer is determined to enjoy the time that's left to him .

A biscuit , a new waitress friend , a reunited flock and a gentle tyre christening stroll back across the car park . Not bad for a days work . Wilf oblivious to the shadows lengthening around him . He falls asleep as soon a I lift him into the back of the car . Unbridled joy can be exhausting . He's still asleep when we get home . I'll miss these simple family routines .


  1. We'll miss reading about them. :(

  2. Dear Wilf, with you back home his sweet loving little world is complete again.

    x (for Wilf!)

  3. I thought something was unusual, as your posts were so short, and i was afraid something wrong happened with Wilfee.
    In fact you were in Moscow, what a great traveller ! Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos.
    Enjoy this Wednesday with the Font and Wilfee, Angus. Amitiés to you, and lots of bisous to the boy.

  4. oh wilf... don't make us miss those routines too soon.
    i think it must be terribly hot all over the world. we're into 28 days of over 100 degree temps. no end in sight. sigh.
    i'm going to have to get the "wilfee attitude!"
    a special tummy rub,
    tammy j

  5. With Rudi I'm also reminded of those same things every day, and I wish I could turn back the clock because I would not have taken so many of the little things she did, that I now miss, for granted.

  6. Sweet Wilfie - lots of gluten free biscuits for the best looking polar bear! Love from Southern Italy Susanne, Daisy and Foxiie

  7. We have suffered with you on Wilf's journey. Fingers crossed that they continue for much longer than you are anticipating. He is such a sweetheart, I'm sure you can't imagine life without him. I just admire his "can-do" attitude so much, as well as your efforts to make him comfortable.

  8. We will miss them too.
    Hugs for Wilf.

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle and Maggie Mae

  9. I'm glad you're back safely! I've often said that I feel sorry for people who don't have dogs to come home to. Where else can you find a homecoming like that?

  10. Those simple family routines are the true fabric of life, and our dogs are such a big part of our families. Wilf knows how to find happiness, that's for sure.

  11. These dear little short legged gents like Wilf seem to have a real ability to keep on keeping on.

    May it last even longer.


  12. This has brought a tear to my eye. I will miss reading about the daily adventures more than I can even begin to imagine. Keep on going Wilf. Darling boy.

    With love from your Canadian pals,
    Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker

  13. Wilf we wish you many more days with your folks - filled with biscuits.


  14. It is amazing how reading about a dog's life half way around the world can become part of so many people's daily routines. I never read blogs on the weekend, that is part of my work day routine, but for Wilf I have made an exception. I love his strength and your words of wisdom. May he have many more post with Wilf enjoying life!


  15. Even though I have been away from the blog tending to my family and the ensuing recovery process, I too will miss these wonderful posts. Hope you will consider staying in touch by keeping the blog going to some extent. I would feel like I have lost friends.

  16. I'm probably totally wrong but I'm guessing you're a motivational speaker?!

    I wish I could travel as much as you do. You've gotten to see the world.
