Saturday, July 9, 2011

The power of mischief .

While ' the font ' sleeps Wilf sets off on his early morning walk . There are drainage ditches on either side of the quiet lane that runs in front of the rickety old farmhouse . Probably a metre and a half deep, they catch and channel the water from summers frequent Pyrennean downpours . Wilf has recently discovered the simple pleasure of lying on his back and then rolling sideways , head over heels , down into the soft shade of these ditches . The family fellow does this tree times in a row this morning . After each exciting tumble he clambers back up the bank and then flips onto his back again to repeat the process . Between christening every plane tree and cartwheeling into the drainage ditch our morning progress is slow but fun filled . Mischief is a great healer .


  1. Wishing you all a good weekend filled with lots of mischief.

  2. Wilf sounds on top form this morning, long may it last.

  3. How delightful! I've never had a dog do that. Oh...old dogs...they do have new tricks up their sleeves...really they do. My old dachshund started playing cards when she was 16. We could deal her a hand of cards and she'd pick a card by pulling it out with her teeth and flip it to the table. So that old saying - "You can't teach and old dog, new tricks" does not ring true.

  4. Go Wilfie!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  5. Super creative little fellow - 110 lode for his inventive powers - inside he is a little puppy!
    Love from Southern Italy Susanne, Daisy and Foxiie

  6. Many little pleasures for the sweet Wilfee, he enjoys life as a young dog, go Wilfee, you rock !
    Have a beautiful Saturday Angus and the Font, amitiés to you, and bisous to my beloved boy.

  7. Good morning Angus! You could not be more right about mischief, because it also brings with it laughter!

  8. Ooops bet he smells a bit damp after all that fun! Diane

  9. More like goofiness! Mischief would be if he snuck one of the "font's" delicious delicacies off the table for himself!

    A good roll in the ditch. Every chap should know what that feels like!

  10. Harmless mischief keeps us all young.

  11. Oh, you've got to try to capture that on film fir us (and the goslings!) is the font refusing to speak English now, after her immersion course?

  12. his name is JOY! joie de vivre!!!
    go wilfee go. just the laughing picture says it all.
    love and hugs and tummy rubs,
    tammy j
    ps... welcome home to the font! looking forward to descriptions of the first meal. :)

  13. Hoping you three are having a wonderful weekend.

  14. king angus... just learned how the saltire came to be. you have quite a namesake!
    enjoying the browse thru your home country, but missing the wilf.
    tammy j

  15. Wilf's really in touch with his inner puppy today. We're sure he's delighted The Font has returned and delicious aromas and delightful tastes will fill his day. Oh, goodness, we certainly didn't mean that he's happy to see The Font only for the food! We know how precious Wilf's family is to him. Still, a delicious home cooked meal doesn't hurt either. Love to all.

  16. I'm giggling over the thought of Wilf rolling down the hill! Perhaps the sensation gives him some sensory feedback that he enjoys, especially with his missing sight. Or perhaps he just had an itch to scratch! I love his happy face!

  17. What a wonderful walk! :)

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle and Maggie Mae
