Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three words.

In a dogs compressed life you see the changes . Falling asleep in unexpected places . Staggering when lifting a leg. Turning left when he's always turned right. Yesterday, irritating growths under his left eyelid. An ever attentive young vet sees him straight away. Twice a day insulin injections. Nose, and now eye drops, morning and evening . No complaints. Just a gentle , unhurried , drifting .

The question has started to crop up more frequently. Time to say goodbye ? Not if you saw him devouring lunch , scuttling through the grass or gently taking a biscuit from one of the young builders. He's a fighter. A comic through and through . Sheepdogs must have a dominant gene that keeps them guarding their flock. That and a passion for sausages, coconut ice cream and illicit Jaffa Cakes.

On our evening walk we meet the really , really old farmer. 89. He asks after Wilf. '' Is he eating well ? ". ' Three times a day and more if he could ' I reply . He nods , thinks for a moment, laughs then says : " Love is patient " .

Funny . You spend your life hearing words, reading words, speaking words, writing words. Then you come across a farmer who sums up what it means to have an old dog in just three of them .


  1. Love IS patient. Brave dogs teach us that.

  2. The old farmers words are so true, and not just for old dogs.

    I wonder if Wilf is aware that a new line in jaffa cake doughnuts is apparently a run away best seller at Greggs the bakers. Perhaps he would like us to send him some!

  3. In this case, the patient is love!

  4. He will let you know when it's time to say goodbye.

  5. The old farmer knows what he is talking about ! Follow him Angus, please. I know you will do it.
    Cuddles, bisous, tendresse and all my love for the sweet boy.
    AmitiƩs to you, Angus.

  6. Well. Nutshell. Sending Wilf a big kiss, juicy with love as usual x

  7. With his family's patience I wish you all endless days of grace - and many gourmet sausage, jaffa cakes and Font dream meals...
    Four words - LOVE KEEPS HIM GOING -
    Cuddles Susanne, Daisy and Foxiietrott (he has been given eyedrops for six years now...and does not like it... but afterwards there is a almond nut waiting...)

  8. Quite true. Love is always patient. Don't hurry him. Enjoy living in the moment as he has shown you how. Our love to the polar bear :)

  9. Bon Appetit, Wilf. As long as you can eat and not have and enjoy.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  10. So true.....hugs to Wilfie!

  11. No truer words...My three words today, 'heaven can wait.'

  12. Clearly the next sentence applies as well...Love is kind.

  13. Perfect. You described perfectly how a dog's compressed life emphasizes the fleeting nature of life.

    But then you summed it all up with those three words.

  14. Touching. You will know when the time is right. Which helps to bring closure to any emotional pain.

  15. Very true and wise.

  16. Simple and profound. Bless him.

    We're all just walking each other home.
    -Ram Dass

  17. Very profound, and truthful. When the time comes, then it will be time. For now, enjoy, eat and love. Couldn't get any better! Keep on going Wilf, darling boy!

    With love from your Canadian pals,
    Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker

  18. What a wise man.
    Hugs for WIlf.

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle and Maggie Mae

  19. *smile* I needed this post today! Some days, you just ask more questions than other ones. I hope to eat as well as Wilf does one day, and not weigh five hundred pounds from doing so!

  20. It makes me appreciate that the gradual ebbing of a life lived well is something we can all come to terms with in time - that we have been given time to prepare ourselves too, safe in the knowledge that you will know when it is time, as many of us have faced with loved pets in the past.

    I know as a vet, and a pet owner, that most people that love their animals will make the right choice about when - and that a good vet will start making suggestions to steer you eventually. There are people who can't let go but I know this is not a problem for you. Infinitely sad but you will handle it with your usual astute sense of timing, as you did with dear Digby.

    The last year has helped me prepare for the loss we all know will come while we take the journey with you. I think I fear the loss of reading about you and the font too - please don't leave us grieving for the loss of your writing as well as Wilf!

    WIll be thinking of you during the match tomorrow :)

  21. I feel for you and for Wilf.Sadly, it's eventually time to say goodbye one day- although hopefully not for a long tkime....I hope for him and you , you both will have many more contented and good days and a very peaceful passing..and lots of strenght and support..

  22. And love is kind...Wilfy and you both described in a nutshell!
    He and you will know when its time...this helps when that time does arrive.
    Best wishes and prayers for Wilfy...
    xo J~

  23. I read a wonderful book about dog behavior written by a woman who has spent years studying them. In it, she wrote that she always knew "it was time" when a dog stopped wanting to eat. Wilf's obviously not there yet...
