As his sight clouds over there's a loss of some of his trademark self confidence. The old fellow is suddenly starting to trip over shrubs in the garden, stumbling as he climbs the stairs and bumping into furniture. The friendly, biscuit bearing, workmen swarming over the roof are now treated with throaty suspicion. Even the morning walk across the village green to the church has become difficult for him. He refuses to go out onto the lane without his harness on and one of us by him. When he wakes from his afternoon sleep by the front door a worried " where are you ? " bark. In the small hours of the morning one of us dashing across the garden in dressing gown and slippers as he heads off in the wrong , post 'pit stop', direction. His trust never more tangible.
The next stage on this journey. More than ever a time for patience and kindness. Some truth in the old phrase " If thou art a master, be sometimes blind; if a servant, sometimes deaf " .
Thank goodness Wilf has you, you are so in tune with him and his needs.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos of dear Wilf and your gorgeous house - WOW, that sky!
You may be able to help him a little by using scent to orient him; but it also seems that he seeks your touch for reassurance. Sweet boy.
ReplyDeleteOh Wilf you are one lucky dog indeed to have such a great family to go through this with you.
ReplyDeleteI loved catching a glimpse of your home.
Oh...when my old dog Puddin started losing her sight...I'd find her staring at the wardrobe patiently waiting for me to open the door to let her out - not realizing she was staring at a piece of furniture. I'd pick her up and set her in front of the real door and out we'd go. There is only one thing in this world better than a puppy and that is an old dog. Bless you and Wilf.
ReplyDeleteDearest Wilf, you soldier of love. Walk strong with your human by your side. They need you as much as you need them. You will walk this journey together and we will be with you in spirit each step of the way.
ReplyDeleteYour friend, HoneyBuzz
Poor dear Wilf. Fantastic weather though!
ReplyDeleteOh my poor Wilfy, it must be so frightening if you cannot see. Please remember that you can absolutely trust your humans, who we know will always be there for you.
ReplyDeleteExtra hugs and licks today.
Gail and Bertie.
Just as Wilf watched over you and 'the font' and kept you safe, you are now doing the same for him as you have become his 'watchful eyes.' The true meaning of devotion.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry, this must be so hard for you.At least know he loves you and completely trusts you, and there is nothing better than the love of your old dog.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs for all of you.
As usual, as soon as I get a chance to catch up with dear Wilfee boy,here I am. Angus, you paint such word pictures (probably should write a book ya know)
ReplyDeleteThe tears come in some of the posts, smiles in others, and a combination in most. How does it become possible to care so deeply for a dog that lives around the word from you? Don't know, but I would dearly love to be able to scritch his ears and ruffle that bedhead of his.
You and the "font" are returning tenfold what he has given you over his 9 years. The laughter, the joy, the act of heroism he and Digby gave y'all. All a wonderful canine gives to his people.
I continue to hope for an "endless summer" for Dearest Wilf-the Honorary Texan. And I continue to know that y'all will never let him suffer. A real gift.
Soldier on Wilfee dear, soldier on. Your people are there for you every step you take.
Prayers coming y'alls way from (frigid) Texas. You all are held closely in our hearts.
Jamie and the Sundogs too
Wilf's eyesight may be failing but his desire to wear his harness and have someone at his side shows that his wisdom is not. What an intelligent fellow; he knows how to keep himself safe.
ReplyDeleteVery heartbreaking for all but we know you are doing everything to keep his spirits up. Lord, bless this gentle, loving family.
A heart of gold you have Angus. You are giving him back what he has given to you and your family. Joy, love and lots of patience. He is most precious and lucky to have you.
ReplyDeleteJust so glad we have ALL been granted this extra time to savour with Wilf.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing it with us.
I'm glad that Wilf has such a wonderful place to finish his life's journey, and that he has such understanding people to stand beside him. All dogs should lead such a charmed life!
ReplyDeleteThose pictures are gorgeous! Your house is really looking beautiful, even if the work is still giving you headaches!
Good morning sweet Wilf! Seeing your face is the perfect way to start my day.
ReplyDeleteAngus-you and The Font are truly perfect friends for Wilf.
Every step of the way...
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Love,
Janelle and Maggie Mae
boy oh boy~you inspire me with your journey~ That Wilfie.....he is adorable....Maggie and I are visiting every morning♥
You and Wilf have a true partnership. I hate to hear of another step in his journey but am glad that he has you and the font by his side.
ReplyDeleteAs always, holding Wilfie and his humans in our hearts today.
ReplyDeleteIt must be very confusing for you all. Some kind of textured tape will help with the stairs and once he adjusts to his blindness, he'll do what all champions do ...he'll adjust. Don't let Aude move the furniture around! I read a wonderful passage about dogs, how we get them as helpless babies, watch them grow into goofy, willful adolescents, share a few years of being approximately in the same stage of life, then see them race past us into old age-- an entire lifetime while we have remained pretty much in the same stage of our own lives. Savor these halcyon days...
ReplyDeleteDearest Wilf, the loving and caring of so many of us are with you and your family on this journey...may this day have some special happy moments for you...... DBH
ReplyDeleteWilf's Global Pack surrounds him with love and patience as does his loyal family.
ReplyDeleteOh Wilf, you have done your job...now it is time to rely on your people to help you..it is ok, it is the progression of life....
I am walking every step of this journey with you all. My love and thoughts are with you.
Poor dear boy! Nothing is worse than not being able to see clearly. He is forever grateful for his human companions to be at his side when needed, this I am sure. Keep going Wilf! Even if it is with a harness and guide....
ReplyDeleteWith love, your Canadian pals, frozen in the earth,
Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker
We're learning so much as we share this journey with you and Wilf and the Font from afar. Lessons to be tucked away for that inevitable sad moment when our cherished furry companions need more patience and kindness than ever before.
ReplyDeleteLove and blessings,
xxx Joan
it's hard not to be sad... loves and licks xxx
ReplyDeleteAt least Wilf KNOWS you are nearby and will come.
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
With a little tear in my eye I am writing to all of the Wilf family - especially the humans who turn out to be has brigade and strength - Wilf is my favourite polar bear - and he is the one with chauffeur service and after hours entertainers - whether it is sleeping on feet or walking in the garden - BE strong- this little fellow is loved all over the world - love Susanne, Foxiie and Daisy
ReplyDeletepoor Wilf. we're so glad that he has you to watch over him.
ReplyDeleteWhat Petey said. One of mama's dogs went blind, long before us. He adapted pretty quickly, but as Petey said: don't move stuff; help him with auditory and olfactory clues; put down something tactile to define edges [of stairs, patios, decks, anything he could trip over]; during unusual activity in the house, keep him near you or in a safe spot away from the activity; give him the reassurance of your presence, his harness, whatever calms him. We're sure you're already doing all that and more. And mama also recommends moving breakables off tables he might bump into; it saves him the scare of the breakage and you the disappointment. Neither of you will ever walk alone.
ReplyDeleteJed & Abby
It hurts my heart to read this. I know Wilf has been sick for a long time and that eventually we all have to pass on but I'm just not ready to let the little fellow go. I'm so glad he has you to watch over him.