Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Next week ?

After six days of adventures and misadventures the cheery gardeners finally go . They promise to come back ' soon ' to reseed the lawn where the burst water main washed away the grass . '' Next week ? " I ask hopefully . In return I get a Gallic shrug of the shoulders and a smile .

Upstairs , Aude , the decaratrice , continues to paint the bedroom walls. She may be finished by Friday . Before she goes for the day she has a long , overly technical , conversation with me about solvent based undercoats . My French is up to understanding maybe half of what she says . Something about wet plaster discolouring the lime render . I make occasional non-commital glottal noises to show I'm listening.

Wilf listens to the days comings and goings from his cosy spot by the front door . As old PON's know ' one way to get the most out of life is to treat it as an adventure '.

Before he heads off in his van the youngest of the gardeners surreptitiously gives the family fellow half a croissant . This is gratefully received .


  1. Wilf, may your adventure continue for a long time yet, and with many more croissants involved.

  2. Through reading thehouseofedward I came across Sir Wilfie - the Christmas photo I have downloaded - he just looks so happy -
    bacetti sul nasino per il piu bel orsachiotto del mondo - with love Susanne, Daisy and Foxiie

  3. The garden's looking good - will be beautiful in the spring

  4. Next week ? Next spring, may be... Sorry Angus...(it's a joke...).

    Love the first photo of Wilfee Pon with his paws in front of him, so so cute.

    I can imagine the scene with Aude and Angus, making occasional non commital glottal noises for showing his interest in her conversation. You make my day !

    Bonne journée à vous trois.
    Bisous à mon tendre Wilfee.

  5. Wilfie - thems great photos of you buddy. You always seem to have a team around working on your house.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  6. Wilf looks like he's just savoured that croissant half in the last picture.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy

    Hope Aude wasn't imparting some vital information to you.

  7. Of course one of the gardeners had to give Wilf a treat. Who could resist Wilf's darling face!
    ( When I first happened upon your blog and saw Wilf's face, I said to myself "this is the most adorable dog I have ever seen"! I still believe this to be absolutely true!). Cat lady here.

  8. I'd be surprised if there were anyone, anywhere who could resist Wilf and not be charmed by him!

    Why do I envision a post soon that involves Angus learning to seed the grass?

  9. i'm off to meet a friend for a day out of town...
    how do i explain i'm late because i had to check in with a beloved wee polar bear in the france profonde?
    no worries... when i explain he'll be another devoted follower!
    tammy j

  10. What an adventure it has been for Wilf, and for us. :)

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

  11. I love how the whole village rallies around Wilf and always seems to have a special treat to share with him.

  12. I'm sure no one is holding their breath...

  13. I always enjoy your writing. You are the only person I know who can make the idea of "watching grass grow" seem interesting!

    Of course, with the speed that your gardeners work, we are likely to be still checking for signs of any grass (and extra food treats for Wilf) "next year".

  14. Judging from the bottom picture, that snap says a thousand words! Looks like he enjoyed the croissant! Keep on ging Wilf!

    With love from your melting (!) Canadian pals,
    Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker
