Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The laws of dog ownership.

For the last two days a strong , fresh, wind from the high mountain passes has been blowing without a pause. Ideal weather for catching a summer cold. Hot in the sun one minute and chilled in the wind the next. Fur coated Wilf, oblivious to the elements, pops outside for a pit stop at three thirty. Trees duly christened, he then wanders off in the dark, away from the house, towards an increasingly flattened peony border. The confusion of advancing age. As yours truly chases after him in dressing gown and slippers that old rule of dog ownership springs to mind. The amount of time it takes for a dogs pit stop is directly proportional to the outside temperature and the suitability of the owners outerwear.


  1. Ah, that brings back memories. 4:30AM outings with no shoes but lots of rocks. And the 3AM poop walks.
    Good times! :)

  2. We agree completely.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  3. Three of my family's dogs 'wandered off' on late night walks in old age. Maybe not wanting to be a burden... Keep a close eye.

  4. Wilf - you and Ongoose exploring the garden - hang a plaid near the door. I never forget when Foxiie fell over the fence on the cliff where I live at 1 a.m. and being totally silent for an hour - then the rescue and his beaming smiling face... they love adventure. Does Angus tell you about your www.friends??? Love Susanne, Daisy and Foxiie

  5. At least its not January.
    Love to all..

  6. Been there, done that. Kelly used to go outside 2-3 times per night when she was a pup. I could literally stand for hours waiting for her to pee, only to have her "see" a leaf blowing in the dark which facinated her. Bags under the eyes ws the only result! Hugs and tickles to the brave Wilf, and much admiration coming your way for making his life wonderful.

  7. Ha ha ha! I am sure that this is absolutely true, too! It's also a guarantee that on a rainy night, your dog will decide he has to go out when it's at its rainiest!

  8. So funny. We are in that in-between weather here, warm days, cool nights. I always forget that when I do the wee-hour-of-the-night-pit stops with Diva Halle and set a bare foot on a chilly deck .... then do a little dance of shock at the temperature change which thankfully is too dark to be seen by neighbors... the little dogs can come and go freely via the doggy door on the deck but the big gal requires personal attention (as it should be, she might say).

  9. Actually, the amount of time it takes for a dog's pit stop is inversely proportional to the outside temperature and the suitability of the owner's outerwear.

    It might be time for the Font to hang a jacket at the door and refreshen the vanilla trail so that Angus may follow his nose to the peony patch.

    On the other hand, if Wilf finds the peony patch to be so restful after a night's journey, then perhaps, ultimately, we ought to respect his wishes...

  10. And don't even mention the amount of time it takes when it's pouring rain. That's why my wellies are kept beside the back door.

  11. Met one of my neighbors one night who was most unsuitably attired chasing his dog up the street. He definitely forgot some items...

    Our love to Wilf!!


    Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

  12. Thankfully for me, Maggie Mae now gets through the night without having to go outside after 9pm but I do remember what it is like to be in your shoes, or maybe I should say slippers? ;) Hugs for Wilf.

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle and Maggie Mae

  13. The formula also includes the likelihood of a neighbor watching.

  14. I can only picture you outside in a dressing gown! I have to agree with you that dogs seem to want to stay out longer if it's really cold and all you want to do is go back in and crawl in bed.
