" Goodness ! He's light ". ' The Fonts ' comment when lifting Wilf into the back of the car. The family fellows losing weight. You can see it in the photos . The lean look giving way to a sort of hollow cheeked gauntness. Muscle and fat gently dissolving away despite his best efforts to compensate.
Kelly, the ever sprightly hover dog, still acts as an irresistible attraction to our ageing matador. Three times a day we trot off towards her front gate. Our outward journey slow but determined. Our homeward leg interrupted by long recuperative, legs akimbo, pauses on the grass verge. While his young friend prances round him in a maelstrom of activity, Wilf sits and sniffs the air. A look that says ' this is all very interesting but I'd rather have a cup of cocoa '. The young seldom consider old age, and the old are obsessed with recollection.
Lives of quiet contentment do not make for a compelling story. I'm surprised, and thankful, that so many still follow us on our peaceful path. A reminder that dog blogs are as much a community as an art form. Through it all Wilf gets on with life. The sort of dog who knows that " you can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses ".
"Lives of quiet contentment" and selfless love are THE most compelling stories. You are followed because your generosity of spirit is compelling. Not to mention your gorgeous shaggy cover boy has stolen my heart. Kelleeeee look out, you don't have sufficient appreciation for our Wilfy boy. Sincere love and compassion to me is more newsworthy than the entertainment slop that passes as news in the media. Still wishing your family and Wilf many more joyous contented times together.
ReplyDeleteTwo Old English Sheepdogs and Their Mom
Angus - we will follow you through it all, and beyond, whatever you tell us about life in France... Italy, Scotland or wherever, possibly even one day about life with a PON puppy... whatever your future holds we hold you and the Font in our hearts, and whatever canine companions share your hearth.
ReplyDeleteDear Angus, I do not even have a dog but I still find a certain closeness to all of you..
Agree with Fi. Enjoy your post every morning. Good luck long time reader in DK, EM
ReplyDeleteForget the papers and enjoy that scenery! Wilf understands what's important.
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
Angus, even though an ocean separates us, our hearts have been joined by our love for our canines.
ReplyDeleteActually your story is much more compelling than anything about Bristol Palin. I had no idea who she was and had to Google her name. I had no desire to read any further - Wilf's adventures and your insight into French village life are much more interesting.
ReplyDeleteEvery day adds another paragraph to this beautiful love story. I am grateful for every post. Tell Wilf I would send him some coconut ice cream if I could.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Jean I have no idea who Bristol Palin is but have no intention of looking either. The first blog I read every day is Wilfs, I look forward to seeing his serene face, my OH and I both have a deep, deep fondness for Pons now because of Darling Wilf and his outlook on life.
ReplyDeleteHe is an inspiration to us all and he could certainly teach us humans a thing or two about living life to the full and best of your abilities regardless of illness.
Enjoy your day today Wilf and family, so many out here are thinking of you and adore you wee man.
Momma Tea
xxx x xxx
Angus, we completely agree with Jean too. Time spent reading about your life in France with Wilf is so much more rewarding that time spent absorbing Bristol Palin's latest antics.
ReplyDeleteGail and Bertie.
We don't need compelling stories to lure us to your blog every morning. But no, that's not true -- actually your tales of life in that very human village in france profonde with your dear family fellow are as compelling as anything I can imagine. Life, love, loyalty, delight in sweet moments of joy despite whatever else is happening -- and the haiku-like ponderings of said family fellow whom we have all come to adore. Nothing more compelling than this, M. Angus!
ReplyDeletexxx Joan
While we don't always comment, every day begins with a visit to France profonde and our dear friends. In fact, when recounting some of your stories, I've been known to refer to you lot as "my friends in Southwestern France." when Petey and I run into a particularly shaggy white dog, I always ask if it is a PON, then get bewildered answers (yet to meet someone who has even heard of a PON here in the West Village) that their dog is, in fact, a ""cockerahighlandoodle." I'm leaving for 12 days in Italy this afternoon and may be unable to check in as frequently but " where there's a wifi, there's a way" to bastardize a cliche! Big kiss on your big black nose, Wilfee, until we meet again.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that Kelly is good for the old fellow! It always makes me smile to imagine his infatuation with her.
ReplyDeleteI started reading your blog because of the PON brothers, but honestly, I just love knowing what's happening there in your little corner of the world every day. Your way with words is what always brings me back! That and the hope that one day we'll just catch a small glimpse of one of Madame Bay's colorful outfits...
Lives of quiet contentment! In a world gone mad, we crave the sweet contentment of Wilf in his country home. No adventure needed here among those who love our PON. Hearing that he is comfortable and contented makes for the most delightful reading we know.
ReplyDeleteHaving gone down this same path with our two beloved canine family members, I consider it an honor and am grateful to be able to accompany Wilf, even if it is via blog. May this day have much joy for all of you. DBH-Happy and Molly's Mom
ReplyDeletei love the mistranslation....i was thinking more in terms of the euphemism......
ReplyDeletei love following your blog, i love your writing, and perspective...i feel that i know Wilf....and i will miss him when he is gone...
Every morning your blog is a joy to read. I'd rather read about Wilf's quiet contentment than any of the so-called news.
ReplyDeleteAnd in other exciting Alaska news, the erstwhile Levi Johnston and his posse have been spotted around Anchorage with a film crew for his long awaited reality program. They were spotted "ice fishing" at a local lake as well as spinning his shiny black truck on the ice of another. Alas, the ice was thick and secure.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Wilf does look a bit more svelte. It was my first thought upon seeing the top photo in this post. Enjoy the gentle pace, I once read that dogs are more accepting of their fates than we are for them. Sending strength.
Good morning sweet Wilf! So...Kelly finally understands that you are truly irresistible. Took her long enough.
ReplyDeleteAngus, I must disagree. Lives of contentment, quiet or otherwise, do indeed make compelling reading. The world is sadly lacking in contentment. Thank you for your time, words and photos.
LIves of quiet contentment are where true wisdom is found. Wilf's journey mirrors our own. I can only hope we manage our days with as much dignity and humour as he. And be as surrounded by love as well.
ReplyDeleteHummm. Paoletti sounds Italian. Oh please, Lord... let them move to Italy!
I will take the peaceful path any day...Contentment, quiet peaceful times is what we all need. Wilf is a shining example of this. Keep going dear boy....
ReplyDeleteWith love your Canadian pals,
Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker
Anonymous #1 could not have said it any better! Wilf's journey brings me so much peace during my lunch break, and I have fallen in love with your sweet PON:) I only wish I had found you all earlier on your journey. Thank heavens for archives!
ReplyDeletelook forward to reading your post each day...to know that Wilfee is still enjoying his coco & biscuits, and that you & 'the font' are still enjoying Wilf's company give me & Mom great comfort. We continue to be amazed by his will to live, and your complete gratitude for each and every additional day.
ReplyDeletewags, wiggles & slobbers
Oh Angus. I wonder why you are surprised at your following. Again I say, you paint pictures with words and should write. Dear Wilf does look slimmer. Saddens me but he has had so much longer than you were told and he is a tough dude. I know I love him. And many others do too. The great gift all dogs have that we do not is they do not know of or worry about their mortality. He just loves his flock and enjoys naps. (Can it be 10 months since Digby left???? It seems shorter and longer at the same time. Bet you know what I mean)
ReplyDeleteWill be seeing PONS weekend after this one at the Fort Worth Dog Sow. But none will be as special or handsome as dear, dear Wilf.
Sending love to all of you-hugs, scrithes and belly rubs(uh-to Wilf, not to you or the "font! ;)
Often the best parts of life are found in the everyday details.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you all and sending love to Wilf,
Riley and his mum
You get more news about America than we do! Although I don't know if Bristol Palin's latest boyfriend is high up on any of the news sites I read :)
ReplyDeleteLike all your other commentators, your blogpost is the first I check every morning and often the reason I am late at work!!!!!!!!There is a big Wilf-loving universe out there which connects every day via your blog, and my thought in the car to work is very often when I haven't had the time to check " I hope Wilf is OK today ".....which is pretty amazing considering I have never met you or Wilf :-) !! I hope that all the love and affection you have generated for your lovely Wilf and your enchanting corner of the world will somehow generate so much postive vibes that Wilf will live to a ripe old age.....here's to many more happiness and good days!!
ReplyDeleteI am making a calenderof bl
john x
We aren't going anywhere. :)
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Love,
Janelle and Maggie Mae
ah you always have such words of wisdom... funny thing is we think wilf is looking mighty fine... must be love xxxx
ReplyDeleteYour delightful tales make me smile and come back to visit every single day. Your love for Wilf shines through in each detail.
ReplyDeleteIt's so odd that you hear the Palin rumors before I do! You are my source of all things American. I think that Palin gossip is a perfect diversion right now, given the terrible other things in the news.
I will keep following you on your peaceful path, although the Kelly aspect doesn't sound so peaceful :)
we so much enjoy your lives of quiet contentment. that's what we all aspire to.
ReplyDeleteWilf is very wise. it's important to appreciate each rose on the thorn bush.
I love the posts about happy ordinary days for Wilf. I pray there are more and more of them...never tiring of them.
ReplyDeleteWhether it's a quiet day or another madcap adventure, Wilf and your writing always touch my heart.