Friday, March 4, 2011

A wistful sigh.

Out with Wilf for our early morning amble along the lane. After the recent sunshine a chilly, overcast start to the day. Everywhere around signs of spring bursting into full throated song. We'd crossed the village green, made a quick detour to the fire hydrant and just turned for home when a living bundle of playfulness burst out of the vegetable garden. Kelleeee. Within seconds she was bounding up to us - tongue lolling , ears flying , paws heading in all directions. A canine ballet of disorderly confusion.

Over the last 24 hours Wilf has gone completely blind. At first I was worried that this unexpected visitor might frighten him. But no. He stood stock still as Kelly danced and leapt around him. A moment or two for him to work out what was happening and then he was a dog transformed. Shoulders back, head high, nose in the air. All the aches and pains and mistiness forgotten.

Kelly is clearly not the sort of girl to dawdle. Just as Wilf was beginning to make her acquaintance , she was off again. A blur of exuberant brown fur hurtling, pell-mell, past the war memorial. The mobile phone camera barely had time to focus but managed to pick up the tail end of their all too brief encounter. Wilf made a few hurried steps after her but although the mind was willing ....

Home with the old fellow. I can tell he's feeling low. The eyes now completely cloudy. His process of adjusting to the total darkness just beginning. He follows me , carefully, into the office and lies with his head on my feet. A wistful sigh : " I had rather a fool make me merry, than experience make me sad ".


  1. Big hugs to you and your Wilfee this morning.

  2. Dear Wilf, I'm sure he enjoyed his brief encounter with Kelly.

    Sorry to hear he is now totally blind, another period of readjustment for you all.

    x (for Wilf)

  3. Snuggle to Wilf, I'm sorry he is feeling low.
    Glad he enjoyed Kelly though.

  4. Poor wilf, the realisation that he is not the dog he was must be hard. At least he has you and the Font to comfort him and keep him safe.

  5. Sending love to Wilf, and wishing him sweet dreasms tonight of Kelleeee.

  6. That's sad. You could probably talk to Kellee's owner and let Kellee come to your garden to play with Wilf sometimes.

    What a dog needs is really another doggy. Our love to dear Wilfee.. and keep him near. Have a good weekend Angus.

  7. Brief encounter.....but surely there will be more to come!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  8. Dear Wilf, he seems to bear his increasing infirmity with such dignity and grace. Who would not be feeling low? But a willing mind makes all the difference.
    Special Friday hugs to the old fellow.
    Gail and Bertie.

  9. PS from Bertie the Boffin (newly appointed Scientific Advisor to Blogville). I am adding your Spring observations to my climate database, unless you tell me you object! We are current short of data from Southern France.

  10. Funny love story and sad news at the same time, the sort of day which let us divided.

    In fact, it's a new time for you Angus and him to meet a new situation. All my thoughts are for you.

    Wilfee is a little heroe and a courageous boy.
    Cuddles and bisous to him, and amitiés to you Angus and the Font.

  11. Oh no - do you think it will come back?

  12. Happy and sad at the same time. Rare is the day when we can be all of one and none of the other.

    Just keep our dear boy safe in his new darkness -- I know that's what you and the Font spend every moment doing.

    xxx Joan

  13. Happy and sad news today. Extra love and hugs to our sweet friend.

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle and Maggie Mae

  14. Wilf my dear, keep in mind that beautiful young ladies are much more intrigued by the gentlemen who don't go chasing after them but come off a bit aloof to their charms. Guarantee the next time (and oh yes, there will be a next time!) Mlle Kelly will stick to you like white on rice! (How do you think M'Ongoose captured the heart of the enchanting "font?")

  15. Wilfie - love to read the "love-story" - he is happy around his family - tickles from Southern Italy Susanne, Daisy and Foxiie

  16. Good morning sweet Wilf. So...the lady came back? Nice. Might an invitation to your garden, toys and recent excavation smells be in order?

  17. So sorry to hear this sad news. This must be very hard for all of you.Hope you are bearing up in spite of this.

  18. Somehow, I don't think Wilf has seen the last of Kelly. My bet is that they'll meet again. I'm sorry about the blindness, but as long as he's adjusting, hopefully he'll regain some confidence as he learns to follow his nose.

  19. oh glad you were able to sniff your girlfriend today!
    it is remarkable how well dogs adjust to being blind...hang in thoughts are with you...

  20. Sweet Wilf - I'm so sorry about your sight but I'm happy that your family is guiding you so gently and lovingly. I think that the beautiful Kelly is just waiting for you to amble by again...

  21. Kelleeeee!!!!!!!!.... swift and sweet encounter. Still under the weather here in ANC but the longer days and lots of piping hot tea and juices should overcome my ailing body soon. This bug has removed my desire for wine! Not acceptable :)

    Hugs to Wilf from the Offret Pack xo

  22. My love to Wilf. May you enjoy the warmth of the Spring sun on your face, the wonderful smells of Spring or any of the scents that dogs love and the taste of coconut ice cream!

    Hugs to Wilf.

    Boston,MA USA

  23. We're thinking of you. Hug Wilf for Us will you? Tell him We say 'hi' from Our neck of the woods. How fortunate you all are to be together through thick and thin, yes?

    Arrooooo! Stuart

  24. Oh dear Angus, so sorry to read this. :-( Sue x

  25. Just look at our Wilf in the company of Kelly! That confident stance. He is all boy ! Nothing wrong with him!

    We agree with Anny. The company of his own kind , in a controlled environment, may delight him no end. After all, he was used to having a brother.
    Depending on the state of his retinas, he may see light and may still have a bit of vision in the periphery. What ever it is, Wilf will continue to love his life, his family and maybe a new girlfriend! Go Wilfee!

  26. A bit of optimism here. The first photograph, with Wilf sniffing Kelly's hindquarters, speaks volumes (and to Wilf, smells wonderful). Dogs are noses, followed by four paws and a tail. Their eyesight is not so important to them. It is us humans who assign so much importance to eyesight. After all, we say "Look!" Dogs, if they used language like we do, would preface their sentences with "Smell!" After smell (and taste), their next most important sense is hearing.

    And even their eyesight is different. Less color, less focus in the center but more peripheral vision, less acuity in bright light but better low-light capability, a keenness for detecting motion and a faster refresh rate.

    Spring is in the air (sniff, sniff), and delectable fragrancy is in the nose of the besmitten!

  27. I agree with Mark. I don't think we realize how smells override almost everything.

  28. Oh Wilf could use a doggie friend about now.

  29. Special loving ear scratches coming to Vilfee today.

  30. Aw Wilf!! Just imagine, that perhaps Kelly can help you maneuver around and be your personal guide *wink*. Handsome boy today! Happy "smile" on the second pic. Keep going Wilf, may your nose guide you to where you need to be.

    With love, your Canadian pals,
    Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker

  31. Oh I'm so sorry about Wilfy's eyesight...thank heavens dogs have their amazing sense of smell, it's a blessing really.
    Big hugs,
    xo J~

  32. I'm so very sorry this happened.
    We lived for five years with a blind Chow Chow. I actually think we took it much harder than he did. He seemed to adjust fairly well, and quickly. I pray this is the case with dear Wilf as well.
    You both are in my heart, Angus.

  33. I doubt Wilf will ever think of the "Dog he used to be". These fellows just operate on a day to day mode. As long as his Dad keeps him on his leash, and is by his side, life will be fine for Wilf. Bless him with many more good days and girl friends chasing him is my prayer for the handsome Wilf!


  34. Poor Wilf! He reminds me so much of my dog who is also going blind.
    I never miss a single post because Wilf has stolen my heart! Give him a big love for me.

  35. Dear Wilfie & Family, Sweet boy my heart is with you. I always check on you daily,even tho I don't post often. Thanks Angus for the daily pictures,stories & words of wisdom.It is so bittersweet to watch Wilfie's progress. Every day is a blessing. Keeping you all in my prayers.
    Fay N.CA.

  36. The heart sees what the eyes cannot.

    Much love to Wilf!

  37. Maybe you can get a wiff of that girl dog tomorrow, Wilf.

