Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The passionate PON.

At three on the dot Wilf was sitting by the garden gate ready for his afternoon walk. There could be no doubting where he wanted to go. A sharp turn to the left and then straight past the fire hydrant, the village green, the war memorial and the church. Refreshed by a lengthy post lunch nap he had only one destination in mind. Kelly's house.

No sign of Kelly, her mistress or the ageing Renault Clio. Not that Wilf seemed particularly bothered. He sniffed first one gate post, then the other. Then he sniffed the first gate post again. This process was repeated more frequently than seemed possible. At one point he even scratched the grass on the verge to get a better take on the canine Chanel number 5 lingering there. Fifteen minutes of adulatory sifting and analysis before he turned for home. Wilf the passionate PON.

He's noticeably thinner now. His shoulder blades and vertebrae hard to the touch. A new development. Yesterday, we twice found him sitting staring into mid-air and trembling. The sort of gentle, tooth chattering shivering that humans experience when they come out of really cold water. At this stage something quickly cured by a reassuring cuddle. The tumour metastasizes to its own rhythm.

The old fellows happy. When he gets tired he simply stops. When he's not tired he goes along at his own pace. A life lived in the belief that ' Leap, and the net will appear '.


  1. So sweet. In the definite twilight of his life, Wilf finds love because he knows love.

  2. The Scent of a Woman! They should make that into a movie. :)

  3. We hope Kelly notices him!!!!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  4. Poor Wilfie,he must feel he is now well somehow- but he knows he is very loved which is all you can do really.Give him a big hug from all of us.Hopefully he will have a lovely rendez-vous soon with the gorgeous Kelly!

  5. (Grace) Kelly. A princess. Our Family Fellow is in love with a Princess! He deserves to be!!

  6. Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant Hapus!Angus,

    Sometimes my TT shakes when she has an infection, something to think about?
    Wilf looks so handsome, how could Kelly not find him utterly irresistable!
    Bev,Molly and Roo XX

  7. Never give up Wilf, I'm sure she'll be there tomorrow.
    Toodle pip!

  8. Ooooh what a sweet romance ! As Bertie said, don't give up Wilfee, she will be back, and why not this afternoon. So, ask for a new "promenade" to Angus.
    Happy Tuesday sweet boy ! Cuddles and bisous.
    Amitiés to you Angus and the Font.

  9. Looking forward to the next instalment

  10. My thirteen year old Patterdale has a little heart condition - and for that he started to tremble and be frightened sometimes - so the extra cuddle is very important to him and he feels better.
    Wilfie and Kelly - thank God for that - gives him joy and more happyness...
    Love from Southern Italy Susanne Daisy and Foxiie

  11. And you, Angus and 'the font' are the net...

  12. keep trying Wilf, it's all about the foreplay....:)

  13. Wilf is such a handsome lad in the photos today. The femme fatale Kelly will be unable to resist.

  14. Maybe she is playin' hard to get? ;) Hugs for our friend Wilf!

    Blessings and Love,
    Maggie Mae

  15. I hope that his little romance with Kelly will keep him feeling peppy for a while longer! He's looking very dapper and handsome today!

  16. I must admit I have a tentative fear each morning as the page is loading.

    As a fellow PON owner (a lively just-turned-one year old pup), I also have to confess that I often get misty eyed while reading your posts. Thank you for sharing Wilf and Digby's adventures and a big heartfelt wiggle and cuddle (like only a PON can) from a furry relative over here in Canada.

  17. How lovely that he remembered what had tickled his fancy (or at least that adorable big black PON nose) yesterday and wanted to go see if she was tickled too. Wilf striding purposefully along the path in those photos reminded me of that old Berlin lyric,

    Steppin' out with my baby
    Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right
    Ask me when will the day be
    The big day may be tonight

    xxx Joan

  18. What a handsome devil he is.

  19. I am sure Kelly will be waiting tomorrow for you Wilf! And a good love story it will be :)

  20. How sweet is this? Darling Wilf, hopefully Kelly will get the "letter" you left and come tomorrow, will come leaping down the lane, joyous that her friend has returned for another visit. Keep going Wilf, darling boy...

    With love, from the (yet again) frozen wasteland of Canada,
    Dianna along with Tor, Willow and Tucker

  21. Happy walking trails, Wilf. You just go, til you can't go no more.


  22. I hope that Wilf left an appropriately passionate message for Kelly. It must be springtime!

    I'm glad that a reassuring cuddle cures the shivers. I hate to think of Wilf feeling like that but it warms my heart that you can comfort him.

  23. Wilf loves his life! And what a life you have given him, Angus! Blessings abound! And Kelly is one of them. A bright spark in an old boys heart!

  24. I hope Wilf gets ot see his lady-love very soon...maybe thoughts of her is what caused the trembling, one can hope. Please give him an extra cuddle from Ginger the Doxie and I.
    xo J~

  25. Wilf
    I'm suwe just sniffing youw beloved's scent made youw day
    And the cuddles to dispell the shivews.
    West my sweet
    smoochie kisses

  26. Way to go Wilf. Kindle that romance with Kelly.

  27. awwww, Wilf definitely is enjoying the scent of his newest friend.

    Baxter was involved in an accident at the dog park some time ago and went through a period of severe trembling. it was scary for me, but he recovered quickly.

    it's bittersweet to read the pages of your blog. we are keeping you, Wilf, and the font in our thoughts.

  28. I've been busy so I haven't been able to stop by but I think about Wilf all the time and continue to pray for him.

    My dad's really ancient beagle shivers like that too sometimes.
