Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bright raiment.

'The Font' was back in London with 'Granny Font' for the night leaving the two boyz and yours truly in charge of the house. This means that I had to deal with the ancient ovens temperamental and life threatening gas rings while Wilf and Digby suffered from a sudden and marked deterioration in their culinary standards . Last night, despite following what were 'fool proof' instructions , the antiquated oven managed to chargrill the pizza. As the two of them crunched on a piece of burnt crust the full horror of the situation was evident in their eyes. At that moment 'The Font' phoned from Chor Bizzare, an Indian restaurant in Albermarle Street, to ask how we were getting on. My description of our progress was met with a sigh.

Madame Bay has arrived this morning to clean the house. Wilf and Digby trotted out to meet her hoping that she might be the bearer of sustenance - disappointed they have now settled down glumly in the courtyard to dream of roast chicken . It must be getting close to Easter - Madame Bay's outfit today is decidedly festive and is conjured out of what appears to be lilac crepe with an offsetting and theatrical burst of cascading orange chiffon . No need for a cup of coffee to wake me up . I am however minded to go and dig out the sun glasses for the summer.

There is an old French Calvinist Easter hymn that talks intriguingly of 'Angels in bright raiments' . In the original French it even more romantically describes the angels as being 'brillant de lumiere' - 'brilliant in light'. Perhaps we have an angel in the house? There again perhaps not. I have just heard what Madame Bay has said as she roots around for a duster in the cleaning cupboard and it's a decidedly unangelic sentiment.


  1. Chuckling at the description of Madame Bay. Betting the Boys end up scoring a gourmet meal soon.

  2. Sometimes I wish we could have a photo of Madame Bay. But on reflection, the picture in my imagination inspired by your words is entirely satisfactory!
    Cheers, Gail
    PS VERY dreary cold and wet here in Aberdeen.

  3. Hey Mongoose

    I must congratulate you on your resolve to educate this particular peasant!

    On the days where I have to reach for my dictionary I just smile...realising that Wilf and Digby's scribe's intention might be multi-faceted! Why didn't you simply say..."clothes"!

    Thank you for my most entertaining daily education! :)
    Long live the Angelic Chiffon apparition!


  4. Madame Bay sounds like a character straight out of a movie....and your culinary exploits are akin to mine, except that I don't have a cantankerous old oven for an excuse. I'm just a bad cook! Good thing Tootie eats dog food straight from a sack or she'd starve. A four pound dog can't afford to give up meals. Looking at your pictures I am envious. Spring has arrived in France, but not in Oklahoma yet. (sigh)

    Liz (aka Ninny)

  5. Oh, those poor starving boyz!

    I'm surprised anyone had an appetite after seeing that vision of Madame Bay! Was she a Vogue model in her earlier years?

  6. Now you have us truly chuckling over our coffee. Now Madame Bay is cussing in the cupboard! And, in the most astounding outfit! Who needs TV or movies when you've got a character like her in your life?

  7. Edward is smiling. He had roast chicken last night.

    Reading about the garments Madame Bay chooses to wear whilst cleaning, I rather feel I should step it up a bit. One of my husband's old shirts over black leggings with a bit of paint on the knee just doesn't seem festive enough somehow.

  8. i hope the boyz shall soon be eating appropriately to their standards. haha. do they normally partake of your dinner?
    lilac crepe and orange chiffon? mme. bay sounds more like an easter egg than an angel. :)

    the booker man's mama

  9. heheheheI can just imagine madame Bey
    but am tewwibully wowwied about the food sitooations..pawhaps a fwesh baguette wif some summie ham and buttew could do until you figoowe out how to cook, hehe
    smoochie kisses

  10. I can't believe you eat pizza in France!
