Monday, March 22, 2010

What is it with Sunday nights and dogs ?

Sunday night is dog crisis night in this household. It was a Sunday night when Wilf had his run in with the processionary caterpillars and it was a Sunday night when the bump on his head appeared. Of course late at night at the end of the weekend is the absolutely perfect time of the week to track down and talk to the vet ! Last night it was Digbys turn to alarm us - just before turning in for the night we noticed that he was manically licking one of his front paws. A quick examination showed a sore, raw swelling - probably an insect bite of some description . Being Digby he licked it through the night with the net result that by this morning the swelling has grown even further and now covers his entire paw.

Wilf is the sort of dog who suffers in silence .When Digbys ill he gives a theatrical performance of moans and groans that would shame Rita Hayworth . His repertoire of unhappy noises delivered at maximum volume is also guaranteed to keep all the other inhabitants of the house fully , and intimately involved in his misfortune. A sleep deprived 'font' is off to the vet with him this morning for a dose of some paw calming anti-histamines. Wilf and yours truly will stay behind to deal with the kitchen fitters.


  1. owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    that looks nasty!
    Hope he is ok soon

  2. oh my, that is awful looking!! hope it is a temporary crisis!! wish i could take a closer look.....
    hope your week is peaceful and all the results of the dogs ailments are benign....

  3. Oh, ouch! That made me wince this morning! Poor Digby! Perhaps a little fussing over the poor lad wouldn't be too much this time. Maybe you should dress the boyz in bubble wrap suits on Sundays!

  4. Dogs AND children always become ill on a weekend or holiday when medical attention is either postponed or a trip to the emergency room is necessary. Both "critters" are expensive to raise, LOL!

    Best of luck on these two!
    Liz (aka Ninny)

  5. GEEZ!!! The poor boys...!!! The farm is sending them some serious calming karma... Hugs to them!

  6. Fi - The patient is back from the vets so he is happy again..
    kks - There's something in there - the vet doesn't know what it is and hopes that he won't have to operate. Digby is now full of antibiotics and has to go back next week for a check-up.
    WW- Well put!
    Rocky Creek - He would agree
    Houndstooth - A little fussing?
    Ninny - You're right, children whether two or four footed always get ill on a Sunday or a bank holiday. One of those immutable rules of life.

  7. Want me to send you the cone of humiliation? I'd love to re-home it!

    I always have my owies/sickies on the weekend too. Sunday trips to the emergency vet are very $$$. However, if left to tend my own discomforts, I prefer to have company. So I do the sighing, flopping, licking outloud to be noticed thingy too. I can lick quietly when I don't want to be noticed. But when I am miserable, I want company so I lick LOUD and shake my head so my collar rattles. If I'm not asleep, no one else is sleeping!

    I hope the Digster gets to feeling better soonest!



  8. Sundays are our dog crisis days also! I hope that Digby feels better soon... Good to get him to the vet. Our K gets a whole body allergic reaction that is very scary - and it doesn't start immediately but a day or so after the insect bite. So, I'm glad that Digby is getting meds to head off any bigger reaction!

  9. OH NO Digby! I hope everything goes well today at the vet and they give you something to get rid of that right away! Try to get some extra treats and snuggles out of the deal!

    Wags and Woofs,
    Mack and Mia

  10. I'm catching up on your post and see that Wilf is on medication; hopefully that will do the trick!! Tell Wilf it's okay, he doesn't always have to be brave and stoic!

  11. whoops...Apologies, I realized it is Digby who was the cause for your Sunday drama--But still tell Wilf it's okay, he doesn't have to be brave all the time! :-)

  12. Always on a Sunday.... Hope he will get better soon!

  13. We've had great success using baby socks for foot troubles. Small enough to actually fit, they seem to stay on. Only at night, though. Running through the garden will get in off in an instant.

    Hope the lad feels better today!
