Sunday, April 25, 2010

A hint of mischief ?

Another restless night, but not as troubled as Friday and Saturday. His eyes and gums are very yellow from the jaundice, he's finding it painful to move but his temperature is now set below 40. At the risk of tempting fate it looks as though the cortisone is kicking in. This morning he's had some tiny slivers of roast chicken and liver and he is sitting at the front door on a plumped up pillow keeping an eye on Wilf. There is a hint of mischief in his attitude.

Thank you again for all your comments of support and advice - they have certainly cheered us up. For the first time in four days we are looking on the bright side.

Off to the vets for a check up and a hydration drip as some of you suggested. Will post later.


  1. Paws and fingers crossed. Eating is a good sign, huh?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  2. Oh Angus. Once again, I couldn't sleep from worry, and have padded down the hall to turn on the computer and check on the boy. This is so hopeful. I will head back to bed now with another prayer on my lips.

  3. Oh - oh! Digby - we DO so hope you're on the homeward stretch with this - we're keeping all our paws crossed for you. Hang in there buddy - everyone out here is rooting for you. Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

  4. Dear Angus, the Font, Wilf and dear Digby!
    That news is indeed hopeful! Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be sent your way as well as all our love, strength and uplifting wishes. We really do care and you are surrounded with an all-embracing cyber-hug! Thank you for keeping us all posted amidst all this. A huge part of the blogosphere is emotionally with you in your battle!
    Lots of hugs to both of the boyz.

  5. We are so glad, so very glad..:) :) :))

    eating is shows he is able to focus on his surroundings more than his pains. he is definitely improving.he looks much more alert in his pics today than yesterday.

    sending HEAPS OF LOVE n positive zen thoughts,
    Ginger, Buddy and Family

  6. There is a circle of ♥s and paws surrounding you from all over this great earth of ours. Word gets out when one of our own needs us and it doesn't take long for prayers, purrs and howls go forth into the Universe in Digby's name. Miracles can and DO happen. Just look at our dear friend Maxdog. Never say never and never say quit!

  7. He does look a little more lively, so we will keep our paws crossed for him.

  8. At last some better news!...but I still keep my fingers crossed

  9. Nice hearing your positive news about Diby eating a bit. Paws and fingers crossed that this is a sign of good things to come. In our thoughts and prayers.

    Shirley and Paxton

  10. Just as you have done, we will take this spark of optimism, and continue sending prayers for Digby!

  11. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
    Hewo Digby!
    Asta say not be well.
    Hav norty tik bite.
    Dilly send nursey hugs get better.


  12. Some good news. I continue to cover your little family with my prayers.

    And some Scottie "power of the paw" is coming your way from my Arrrooo Crew.


  13. We came sniffing over from Max's blog, and have done some backtracking here to catch up with what has been happening. It is so hard when rough times come like this, but there is always hope and prayers, and we are adding ours to the mix. You have a lot of people that care holding you up and praying for the best for all of you.

    It is so good to hear that there is a bit of good news in this last post. We all have our paws crossed here in Corgi Country, for Digby and the rest of you that love him so much, and like we mentioned, Grammy is praying...

  14. As the past few mornings, the first thing we do is to check and see how your Digby the brave is doing.

    We're so relieved when we see the title -- a hint of mischief.

    Thoughts and prayers until your next post!!

    Joan and Jake and Just Harry

  15. encouraging news!! i'm relieved to hear that digby's doing a little better today and taking some food. i hope the IV fluids will help him out even more.
    i do see a tiny hint of mischief especially in the second picture. :)
    digby will remain covered in my prayers and thoughts today.

    the booker man's mama

  16. I came over from Ina's blog to send hugs and thought to you and Diby. This is so hard to see our little fur ones sick. xo

  17. So very glad to hear some good news. All of you and especially Digby, will remain in our thoughts & prayers today. I hope to hear more signs of improvement - eating a bit is wonderful!

  18. I am so encouraged by the news! Your's was the first blog I checked this morning! Go Digby!!!


  19. I just found you through another blog that suggested you needed some positive energy and thoughts. I'm sending you both from Colorado, and hoping your adorable little digby pulls through and recovers!

  20. Paws, fingers, and wings crossed that Digby gets his strength back. Hope he is up to real mischief soon.


  21. Digby looks so much better today! I did my thing and first off checked your blog. Still sending warmest and prayers for him.

    Jack, Jill & DC

  22. This sounds like a spark of hope - an inch of progress in the right direction. We are thinking of you today. I hope that the drip helps even more. So glad that the fever is down.

    As you wrote yesterday, Digby is a fighter, and so are his humans.

  23. Oh, we agree, there's definitely a sign of the plucky Digby we know and love in today's photos. Hang in there, buddy, we're praying that you're making the turn towards recovery.

    Jane and Petey

  24. Yes! Yes! Yes!
    Worldwide, we are cheering and praying with you for Digby's recovery.

    Tail Wags,

  25. Alaskans keeping it positive for Digby!!!! xoxo

  26. Crossing everything we can here for this report to continue to be positive. Great to see even the littlest signs of improvement.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  27. I'm so glad to hear that Digby's feeling a little better! He'll expect you to carry him about on a pillow all the time now, and I bet you'll be glad to do it! We're still thinking you and sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

  28. Digby is a fighter indeed! Keep fighting sweety, there are a lot of beings pulling for you!
    thoughts, prayers and loving light- TK

  29. HI - WE hope Digby gets better soon. We are sending him big purrs from Virginia

  30. Positive thoughts are coming your way! GET BETTER DIGBY!

  31. Oh, we're holding our breath that this is all a good sign and hoping to hear good news soon!

    Mayzie's mom and Mayzie

  32. I knew Digby would get all ouw stwenght and love and it would help . I'm so glad to heaw a little impwovement. We will keep sending ouw zen and the powewe of the paw fow continood impwovement
    smoochie kisses

  33. God takes care of all His creatures. We're hoping you get a good report today.

  34. Thanks fur the pupdate!

    I'm still sending lots of Sibe Vibes to keep it going!

    After all, we Sibes invented mischief!


  35. I was dreading what I was going to find tbh. But I am so pleased that he seems to have perked up. Sending big hugs from London, UK. Sue x

  36. We've been seeing Digby all over the blogs. It's good to see a hint of daylight in today's post.

  37. Miss Asta told us you're sick and we are pulling for you Digby. Paws crossed & AireZen and WelshieZen coming your way. Get Well Soon!!
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRocketDog and Hootie

  38. OUI!
    We are so glad.
    All on-board paws/fingers are still crossed for you Digby so you keep up the good fight.

    Angus, thank you for keeping us posted in the midst of all your anguish.

    Snorts and good vibes from Ontario,

  39. The farm is still sending everything we got in the way of good luck and cheer!! way to fight old boy!

  40. Eating is a great sign. We're sending many healing thoughts your way!

    Shannon and the Gang

  41. Was sent over my Scout n' Freyja. Sending good wishes and positive thoughts Digby's way. Keep fighting, Digby! ♥

  42. The news sound encouraging! We are cranking up the AireZen! Get better soon, Digby! Our paws are crossed for you!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  43. Good luck Digby, please get better, My Mum say you look like a cuddly teaddy bear. Love Major

  44. hewo the pittie pack here
    we came ofur from our many furryends bloggys who have been mentioning your struggle
    we wanted to stop by and let you know that we'll be praying for you ash well
    our mommish will light a candle in digny's honor to the saint francis statue today. we will keep all our paws crossed and send our most special healing pibble vibes your way

    the houston pittie pack

  45. Had to come back for an update on Wilf. Good to hear he seemed to be doing a little bit better. I kept him in my prayers last night and will continue to do so.

  46. Still sending our best get well vibes from here. We're so very, very glad to see that the news is at least a bit more hopeful and not worse.

    Hoping for even better news soon.


  47. I have been thinking about you all and I am glad to read there is a hint of mischief in the air :)
    Hope the report from the vet was a positive one.

  48. All my best wishes to your sweet doggie. Hope everything's alright.

  49. Go, go, Digby - you are a WINNER!!!! and much beloved. I simply broke down when I read the previous entry which seemed so dire. Many, many prayers for you and all, Digby :).

  50. I still have my paws crossed.
    Please get well

  51. We have all paws crossed and vibes going straight at ya...

    Keep fighting, Digby!

    We love you...

    Scruffy, Lacie, and Stanley and their Mumsie

  52. we're sending lots of poodle power for Dibgy to get better. it sounds like there is improvement. We are pawing for you full and speedy recovery.


  53. Oh we are continuing to send doggie prayer & people prayer to you cutie!!! Good news today indeed!

    Hugz, Nancy & G-dog

  54. Digby: My thoughts & prayers are with you. Your adorable face touched my heart deeply. I know that sounds weird because I don't even know you, but I got the feeling you are an incredible dog. You & Wilf are both gorgeous dogs. Please keep getting better. Love, Marlene

  55. Much love and hope to all,
    Sophie's Mom
